Utawarerumono: Itsuwari no Kamen 10

Late, sorry. Hope this makes up for it. (hint: mouse over it) TL Note after the break.

White Fox and DDY are busy saving anime, but why aren’t you? We’re in need of translators and translation checkers. We are also taking encoder applicants. Must be willing to go through training and have appropriate hardware. If any of these positions appeal to you, head over to our recruitment page to get started.

Nugisomukami is basically a god of calamity, it seems. It’s what Special 4 of season one was about, and it’s brought up in the VN. Without an official translation for it (thanks CR), I didn’t just want to name it whatever the fuck we came up with. If there’s no explanation for it by the end of the show, I may for batch.